


29 May

Информация о проведении закупки

АНО ЦНПЭКТ Геопарк "Янган-Тау" уведомляет о отборе участников на Во...

29 May

Информация о проведении закупки

10 April

The Geopark Cleanup Day

29 December

Lectures for schoolchildren in the district

2 November

Yangan-Tau UNESCO Geopark develops cooperation with the Kyrgyz Republic

17 October

Young geologists in Yangan-Tau Geopark

10 October

Climate research continues in Yangan-Tau Geopark

24 July

Temporary exhibition of ancient weapons

18 July

Opening of the Ethnographic Museum

16 March

School Environmental Olympiad

19 December

Opening of a tourist co-working

26 November

Lecture for UNESCO Schools

27 September

Yangan-Tau Geopark was included in the program of carbon polygons of Russia

25 August

Young geologists in Yangan-Tau Geopark

23 May

Intensive Course: UNESCO Geoparks

22 April

Mother Earth Day 2021

4 April

Geologist Day

23 March

Horse-luge competitions

15 March

Ecology and Technologies exhibition

9 March

Tourist Souvenirs Competition

9 March

Paleontological conference for schoolchildren

Новости 1 - 20 из 132
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