Yangan-Tau Geopark was included in the program of carbon polygons of Russia
Yangan-Tau Geopark was included in the program of carbon polygons of Russia

27 September

Yangan-Tau Geopark was included in the program of carbon polygons of Russia

On September 23 at the meeting of the Expert Council on scientific support of development of carbon balance control technologies under the guidance of the Minister of Science and Education Valery Falkov approved a request to create a carbon polygon in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Research work will be carried out by the Eurasian climatic consortium, which includes leading universities and scientific organizations of the Republic of Bashkortostan: BashSU, UFRC RAS, BashGAU. UGNTU will be the operator of the carbon test site.

The sites of the carbon test site include three sites of the global geopark of UNESCO "Yangan-Tau". Here it is planned to study the accumulation of organic carbon in soils, and the development of remote methods for assessing the productivity and biomass accumulation by herbaceous and woody vegetation at different stages of natural vegetation recovery on abandoned agricultural land. The research will be carried out by scientists of Bashkir State University, Ufa Institute of Biology UFRC RAS and Geopark specialists.

Let's remind that researches of local manifestations of global climate change are conducted in the geopark "Yangan-Tau" since 2019. The accumulated materials will serve as a reserve in realization of research tasks of the Carboniferous polygon of the Republic of Bashkortostan.