Collection of recyclables has begun in the territory of the Yangan-Tau Geopark
Collection of recyclables has begun in the territory of the Yangan-Tau Geopark

8 June

Collection of recyclables has begun in the territory of the Yangan-Tau Geopark


In the Salavat district in the territory of the Yangan-Tau Geopark, collection of recyclables has begun.

Plastic - 10 rubles / kg

Waste paper (paper, notebooks, books) - 2 rubles / kg

Cardboard - 3.5 rubles / kg

Polyethylene - 10 rubles / kg

Iron cans - 30 rubles / kg

Self-delivery! If you think that you have accumulated enough recyclable materials, call tel. + 7-987-147-96-86; + 7-905-180-98-86. Cash payment on the spot!

We make efforts to recycle!