Kurgazak Hotel and service complex

The hotel and service complex is conveniently located on 39 km of the Kropachevo - Mesyagutovo-Achit highway, in a picturesque corner, 5 km from the world–famous Yangan-Tau resort.Comfortable rooms of all categories are at the service of clients: from a strict economy class room to comfortable suites. The room has everything you need for a relaxing stay, cable TV, wireless Internet. There are single, double, triple, quadruple and quintuple rooms. A billiard room and a sauna are available for active recreation. There is a convenient, guarded parking lot for cars and trucks, and a gas station is located a couple of kilometers away.
Republic of Bashkortostan, Salavatsky district, Komsomol village, Kurgazakskaya str., 57/1

+7 (34777) 2-86-41;
+7 927 320-97-52