Idris Cave

It is located on the high left rocky bank of the Yuryuzan River, 1.5 km south-east of the village of Idrisovo.
The cave is karst, formed in limestones of the lower and middle Carboniferous. According to the classification, it belongs to the Yuryuzano-Laklinsky speleological subdistrict of the Ufa Amphitheater speleoregion of the central speleological region of the West Ural Speleological Province.

Among the many caves associated with the name of Salavat, this one is probably one of the most picturesque. The cave has many names: Idrisovskaya, Dvortsovaya, Kissiatash or simply Palace. Many legends are connected with it, including the legend that Salavat Yulaev, the national hero of the Republic of Bashkortostan, was hiding here from persecution.

Above the cave is a "viewing platform": from it you can see the bends of the river and the valley along the banks. From the water, the cave looks like two "windows".
The total length of the cave is about 100 meters. It's cool and damp inside.

Just beyond the entrance is a large, dimly lit hall. It is located as if across the entrance and extends parallel to the rock in which it is laid. At its far right end, at the base of the left wall, a small manhole opens up 60-70 centimeters high, the floor of which is covered with viscous clay with puddles of water. The length of the course is 30 meters, after which it leads to a small slightly elongated hall where you can straighten up.

In the left wall of the hall, at a height of just over a meter, there is a window leading to a very short second floor. The hall ends in a narrow passage, from which you can get through a gap on the right side of the collapsed stone to a small dead end-the end of the cave. The hall itself and the second floor are notable for the fact that their walls are covered with mondmilch - a white lime-like substance. There are small stalactites.
В 1930 г. у входа в пещеру были обнаружены наскальные рисунки, датированные мезолитом. Судя по остаткам древнейших стоянок, люди обитали здесь ещё в эпоху палеолита (порядка 2,5 млн. лет назад).