Results of the TV action "Spring roll call-2019»
Results of the TV action "Spring roll call-2019»

5 June

Results of the TV action "Spring roll call-2019»

On June 1, 2019, the reception of information from the population of the Republic of Bashkortostan was completed within the framework of the TV campaign "Spring roll call-2019", which organizers include Bashkir satellite TV, The Yangan-Tau Geopark, as well as Russian Birds Conservation Union and the regional branch of the Russian geographical society in the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Reception of information about migratory birds of Bashkiria was carried out through WhatSapp number, as well as through social networks. The action was announced on Bashkir satellite television on the morning show "Salam". From March 1, 2019 on the website of the Atlas of birds of Ufa and in social networks were placed, in addition to the announcement of the action, more than 20 thematic news about certain species of birds. 
The results of the action were announced on June 5 – the world environment day. Awarding is planned to be held in Ufa in the first half of June (winners will be  beforehand notified).

We thank everyone who shared their information about the migratory birds of Bashkiria! Look around and at the sky, and you will be happy!

Martin, 30.05.19, photo by Polezhankina P.
House martin, 30.05.19, photo by Polezhankina P.
1.Ходулочники 10.05.19 Уфа фото Габбасовой Э..jpg
Black-winged stilt, 10.05.19, photo by Gabbasova E.
3.Лебеди шипуны и кликуны 5.05.19 Сал. р-н фото Мокеева Д..jpg
Mute swans and whooper swans, 5.05.19, photo by Mokeev D.
4.Мухоловка-белошейка 8.05.19 Уфа фото Адиева М..jpg
White-collared flycatcher, 05.08.19, photo by Adiev M.
5.Тулес 26.05.19 Карм. р-н фото Гайсиной Г..jpg
Black-bellied plover, 05.26.19, photo by G. Gaisina
7.Большая белая цапля 14.04.19 Ауструм, Иглинский р-н фото Шангареева М..jpg
Great white heron, 14.04.19, photo by M. Shangareev
6.Орлан-белохвост 17.03.19 Давл. р-н фото Губиной Т..jpg
White-tailed eagle, 17.03.19, photo by T. Gubina
8.Мородунка май 2019 Уфа фото Бурова Е..jpg
Terek, may 2019, photo by E. Burov
9.Бараб. чайки 31.03.19 Уфа фото Муртазина Ш..jpg
Steppe Gulls, 31.03.19, photo by S. Murtazin
10.Чёрный дрозд 3.03.19 Уфа фото Фархутдиновой Г..jpg
Blackbird, 03.03.19, photo by G. Farhutdinova