Last week the Salavat Yulaev Museum traditionally hosted local history experts of the region. In total, about two dozen fans of local history came to the event and many issues related to the popularization and study of local history were discussed.
First of all, the Chairman of the Salavatsky District Society of Local Lorers, the director of the museum and the Geopark's geoguide Sadykova Z.A., summed up the interim results of the year and told about the events held during the season.
Then the floor was taken by a famous publicist Kunsilu Galeyeva, she told about the republican action "Shaymuratovtsy" - collection of information about the soldiers of the legendary 112th cavalry division and asked for help in collecting data. The specialist on preservation of cultural and historical heritage of Yangan-Tau Geopark told about perspective plans of work in the historical direction and told in more detail about the work already done.
It was also interesting to hear the speech of L.H. Yamaletdinova, a veteran of pedagogical work, in her report Lena Khalimovna, based on the works of academician Pallas, stated about the different location of the village "Gulei-aul" (Yulaevo). This contentious claim was controversially met with controversy by local history experts and gave rise to several discussions.
The meeting ended with the election of the Chairman of the Society of Local Self-Government and joint photographing.