International Day for Biological Diversity
International Day for Biological Diversity

22 May

International Day for Biological Diversity

22 may international day for biological diversity (International Day for Biological Diversity).

This Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1995 in a special resolution (no. A / RES/49/119) based on the recommendation of the Conference of the parties to the Convention on biological diversity (CBD), which was held in 1994.

Biological diversity is all the diversity of life on the planet, which is rapidly declining today. Plants are dying out, animals and forests are disappearing from the face of the Earth… This is largely due to human activity. And concern about the future of the biological diversity of species on our planet was expressed in the fact that at the UN Conference on environment and sustainable development, held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, it was proposed that the entire world community first pay attention to the conservation of biological diversity-both living species and ecological systems.

In this regard, the Convention on biological diversity was adopted, and today about 200 States are parties to it. The goals of countries that have acceded to the Convention are clear: the conservation of the biological diversity of living species and ecological systems, the sustainable use of components of biological diversity, and the benefits derived from the use of genetic resources.

The main task of the International day of biological diversity is to draw public attention to the problem of irrevocable disappearance of many representatives of flora and fauna on Earth. The biological diversity of our planet continues to decline, and the ecological balance is still undergoing changes. About 60% of ecological systems are degraded or used recklessly, leading to the loss of biological diversity and severe consequences that may worsen in the next 50 years.

The world conservation Union identifies seven main factors contributing to the loss of biological diversity:
- Loss and fragmentation of the natural environment;
- Competition from invasive species;
- Environmental pollution;
- Global climate change;
- Desertification;
- Population growth and excessive consumption;
- Reckless use of natural resources.