Guides of "Yangan-Tau" Geopark
Guides of "Yangan-Tau" Geopark

24 July

Guides of "Yangan-Tau" Geopark

Our professional guides are ready to help every tourist to explore the objects of "Yangan-Tau"Geopark:  Ismagilov Ilfat Rifatovich, Sadykova Zilya Aminevna, Gimalov Gabid Rizaevich, Sitdikov Rinat Dayanovich.
Come here if you are close to one of these phrases:

travelling by bus;
the journey together;
domestic tourism;
travelling to Russia;
travel to Bashkortostan;
travel in the Urals;
travelling with family;
travelling with friends;
travelling with children;
travelling by car;
horse riding.

Welcome to the "Yangan-Tau" Geopark!!!