Every year an ordinary russian family of 4 people produces 400 kg of garbage!
That is why it is so important to teach children and adults to take care of nature. So we hold lectures about useful eco habits in schools.
Yesterday the biologist of our geopark Polina Polezhankina told students of 1-7 classes of Arkaulovo village school about environmental problems. So she shared 10 useful eco-habits that can help to protect our planet from pollution.
About 60 Arkaulovo students learned about the timing of decomposition of waste, as well as how you can save the resources of the Earth, while not denying yourself comfort.
So we can:
minimize the use of plastic bags (which in nature decompose from 200 to 1000 years), using eco-bags and eco-bags, or switching to the use of biodegradable garbage bags for 2 years;
get yourself a thermocup or reusable water bottle, so as not to buy water, juices and lemonades in plastic containers;
do not use disposable plastic utensils during picnics; to hand over garbage for recycling;
to give old things a second life; to save electricity and water; to refuse unnecessary purchases.
These habits are not difficult to live with, and a responsible attitude to the environment benefits not only nature, but also people themselves.