The crested newt habitat seizes the UK (excluding Ireland), most of Europe - northern France and Switzerland, Germany, Poland, Belarus, most of Ukraine, the north-western regions of Russia to the Urals, the southern border passes along the Alps, through Romania and Moldova along the coast Black Sea. From the north, the range is limited to the southern part of Sweden and Finland.Reproduction
Breed in water. From above and from the sides, comb-shaped tritons are colored dark brown and covered with dark spots, which seem to be almost black. In the lower part of the triton are covered with small white dots, more noticeable in males during the breeding season. Females are modestly painted, their colors are lighter, there is no comb. On the back of the female, a yellow longitudinal line is noticeable. The abdomen of the comb newt is yellow or orange, covered with large black spots, the pattern is individual for each newt. A silver-gray band runs along the tail. The skin is rough, rough, smooth on the abdomen. & Nbsp;Lifestyle
The crested newt habitat seizes the UK (excluding Ireland), most of Europe - northern France and Switzerland, Germany, Poland, Belarus, most of Ukraine, the north-western regions of Russia to the Urals, the southern border passes along the Alps, through Romania and Moldova along the coast Black Sea. From the north, the range is limited to the southern part of Sweden and Finland. The species is mainly distributed in coniferous, deciduous or mixed forest areas, also found in parks and gardens, in meadows. For reproduction it chooses shallow reservoirs with pure water, it is usually found in deeper reservoirs than an ordinary triton. Eggs are wrapped in leaves of aquatic plants by 1, rarely by 2-3 pieces. Embryonic development lasts 13–18 days, larval & nbsp; - about 3 months. Sometimes the larvae hibernate, especially in the mountains. In some populations, neoenic larvae appear, usually due to the entry of tritons into bodies of water with steep shores that do not allow animals to land, as well as in captivity, if tritons are kept in an aquarium. Young tritons, coming out on land, keep secretly, and do not go far from reservoirs. Here they usually overwinter.