Winter races
Winter races

Winter races

3 March

Competitions are held in order to promote active recreation, healthy lifestyle among the population, the development and improvement of breeding with the Bashkir breed of horses, the revival and increase the prestige of the national equestrian movement, the promotion of Bashkir equestrian sports and tourism.


1- competitions of working horses on the sleigh. Distance 2 km (1 circle) pass on time in free style,
2 - competition trotting horses on a sled. Distance 4 km (2 laps),
3 - competition horses of the Bashkir breed on the sled. Distance 2 km (1 circle)
  • pass on time in free style, 
  • competition design teams competition horse breeders (who will harness the horse faster),
  • competition of herdsmen (show the ability to use a whip),
  • the oldest and youngest participant of the competition.

 As part of the competition will be held festivities "Winter Festival-2019".



On the map
