Research on birch bacterial dropsy
Research on birch bacterial dropsy

20 October

Research on birch bacterial dropsy

On October 15, 2020, our colleagues from Ufa city visited the Yangan-Tau Geopark. Volkov Alexander (employee of the Research Institute of the Republic of Bashkortostan), Mokeev Denis (Ph.D.), Nazmutdinova Ira (teacher) and Basharov Murat (student) made this trip within the framework of the project" Creation of educational and scientific base for geoparks of the Republic of Bashkortostan (UNESCO Global Geopark Yangan-Tau and Geopark Toratau) of the regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The project is supported by a grant from the Russian Geographical Society.

The purpose of the trip was to take readings of devices (data loggers) installed in August 2020 in a birch grove in the vicinity of Yazgi-Yurt village, according to such indications as the temperature and moisture of the soil under healthy and infected with birch bacterial dropsy, and core samples were taken from healthy and diseased birches (for analysis under an electron microscope).